Just remember that we are WAY busier than you are.
Since it is impossible to recap the last 3-4 months in one blog entry - just a couple of highlights. First, Kimball & Koria both decided within a week of each other that it is cool to throw up. In September, we got in the truck and drove up the mountain to enjoy the fall colors. 20 minutes into the trip, we were faced with our first case of toddler vomiting - all over the car.
Since that time, we have had numerous other cleanups - because it is obviously "the" thing for 2 year olds to be doing right now. We have experienced washing off clothes and car seat upholstery in everything from lakes to rest stops. In fact, the next time you go to a rest stop, try washing vomit off of multiple items of clothing and blankets with the faucet that you have to push down every 5 seconds in order for water to come. And try doing that while people are come in and out, wondering what you could possibly be doing. It's pretty awesome.
As a sidenote, we love Chuck the TV show. Give it a try.
Back to stories. Halloween was a hit with the Kids. Kendra caused quite the stir at our ward trunk-or-treat with her costume. Kimball & Koria loved being Robin Hood & Maid Marian.
Finally, we were thrilled to go look for Christmas trees this year. Where we live, most people hunt year-round. And in case you didn't know, yes, there are hunts at all times of the year. It's not just the deer hunt, ok? Well, we don't hunt, so hunting for a tree is as close as we get. Thus, Kendra was extremely excited when we bagged this trophy tree.
Merry Christmas!