

To celebrate their birthday today, apparently Kimball & Koria decided to all-of-the-sudden get extremely cranky. Kendra and I thought this was going to be a fun weekend with lots of exciting birthday things going on. Instead, it's been one crying toddler after another.

To top things off, Koria has developed a very frustrating new favorite word, which is NO!!

I capitalize it and put exclamation points to emphasize the fact that she does not just say no. She says NO!! with attitude, emphasis, and authority. And she says it over and over and over and over. She has probably been in time out more than she hasn't the last day or two. And in Sacrament Meeting, naturally, she was at her best. Even her nursery leaders admitted to us that she says it alot.

Just for fun, I'm attaching a picture from today, when she was in a NO!! mood.
So how exactly do you teach a barely-two-year-old that she does not run around telling everybody in her path NO!! Well, apparently you don't. Grrrrr


andreamatrix said...

That's why they call it the "terrible twos"! Would parents all over the world make this stuff up?

Jared and Kendra said...

I was expecting a snide comment from Stephanie about Stern Verbal Warnings.

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